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Scent of the Season: Autumn Leaves

Scent of the Season: Autumn Leaves

Are you a sucker for everything autumn? We totally get it. Autumn is filled with so many of our favorite things – pumpkin carving, apple picking, hot cider, warm sweaters, spooky decorations, sweet treats, and, of course, the gorgeous changing leaves. There’s something magical about the crispness to the air, the earthiness of falling leaves, a muskiness coming from the cool and damp weather. That’s why we’ve chosen Autumn Leaves as our Scent of the Season this fall. Check out some of our ideas for cool ways to mix this scent into your new favorite fragrance.

Autumn Leaves, Amber Noir, and Balsam Fir – This combination is a nature-lover’s dream. The freshness of the balsam pairs so perfectly with earthy tones in the autumn leaves and the amber noir comes in to complete this scent with a full, rich body. The perfect candle to set the tone for an adventurous fall.

Autumn Leaves, Campfire, Mahogany – The smokiness of the campfire really makes this fragrance combination dynamic and interesting. Mahogany adds the woodsy bite to the scent and the autumn leaves round it out with a light, crisp feel. Who doesn’t look a nice fall evening clustered with friends and loved ones around a cozy campfire?

Autumn Leaves, Morning Dew, Oakwood Moss – Picture yourself strolling through a forest, surrounded by all the shades of red and orange and yellow of the changing leaves, watching the early morning sunlight slanting through the trees and reflecting off tiny droplets of morning dew clinging to the mossy trunks of the trees. Yes, this candle will take you there.

Autumn Leaves, Clove, Cinnamon Spice – For those who prefer a more culinary combination, this fragrance blend is sure to please. The rich and spicy notes of the clove and cinnamon pair perfectly with the bright, fresh, and earthy scent of the autumn leaves. This is such a perfect concoction of the scents of fall air and the scents of fall foods.

Autumn Leaves, Flannel, Incense – This complex blend might not be everyone’s cup of tea but for those with a preference for deep, rich, herbal, musky fragrances, you will definitely want to try this out. The scent of incense is really what brings this combination together with a bit of smoke and spice.

With over 90 different fragrances to choose from, the only limit is your imagination. Turn your love for autumn into your new favorite fragrance. Stop by the Candle Studio and mix up something unique that will keep your space smelling perfect all season long. Book your reservation online today.


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